Congratulations to Corky Diaz de Leon the 2019 Traveler's Cup Tour Champion

Fair Oaks Ranch, Fair Oaks TX
November 30, 2019
Fair Oaks Tournament Results:
Congratulation to Mike Von for taking home the win!! Mike shot a net score of 69 to nudge out Carlos Cantu who shot a net 72 score and our tournament host Scott Bowling who shot a net 73 score. Mike has played extremely well in the last 6 Tournaments that played in, by finishing 1st place 3 times , 2nd place twice and 4th place once. Very consistent my friend!!
Final Standings for the year:
Corky Diaz DeLeon has been crowned our 2019 Travelers Cup Tour Champion!!
Corky finished with $2,740,000 for the year and $75,000 ahead of his nearest competitor Carlos Cantu. Corky started off the year very strong by taking 1st place at Alsatian and 2nd place at our first Major at Cedar Creek. He continued to play solid by finishing in 1st place at our 4th Major at Brackenridge, but sustain either a shoulder or elbow injury shortly thereafter. He played through the injury the next 8 tournaments but really staked his claim to this years championship by finishing 2nd place at our second to last tournament of the year at The Golf Club of Texas. Several players had a shot at catching Corky but he held them off to capture his second (the 1st was in 2010) Travelers Cup Tour Championship. Congratulations Corky!! Well done!!
With a strong finish by the contenders, this final round had 4 players (Ramiro Longoria in 2nd, Joe Loya in 3rd, Mario Perez in 4th, and Carlos Cantu in 5th) that were mathematically alive to take over 1st place form Corky. Carlos was $225,000 behind Corky before the round started and almost pulled off a stunning upset if it weren’t for just one player… Mike Von. The stars were aligned for Carlos. He played well shooting a net 72 score to come in 2nd place and if Von would not have played as well as he did (net 69), Carlos would have placed 1st and taken the lead by $25,000 for year. Joe Loya also played well, but needed both Carlos and Von not to do as well as they did. Scott Bowling, John Pittman, and Bernie Averett also played the spoiler roll coming in the top 6 spots to push these contenders further down in the finish column. All in all it was a great finish to a great year!!!
Looking forward to the same level of competition next year. Here is how we finished.
Golf Club of Texas
November 16, 2019
After taking four and one-half months off, Ron “Tiger” Tatsch made his presence known by shooting a net 76 score to take the win. Congratulation Tiger! Corky Diaz DeLeon has step up and taken charge of this year’s Travelers Cup Tour by finishing second with a net 77 score. Carlos Cantu and Mike Von tied for third with net 79 scores. Nicely done Fellas!!
By finishing second Corky has placed himself in great position to take home the cup. He is $105,000 ahead of his nearest competitor but still needs to play well in the last tournament of the year at Fair Oaks to hold them off. I believe that Ram Longoria, Joe Loya, Mario “The Commish” Perez and Carlos Cantu have other hopes and aspirations.
I have done some calculations on the different scenarios for the top 5 players. (See Attached listed by player.) Basically if Corky finishes 1st or 2nd he can shutout the field to take the cup. The other 4 players are mathematically alive so anything can happen. There are even a couple possibilities that end up in a tie. Example: if Corky finishes in 7th and Joe finishes 2nd, they both would have $2,760,000 for the year. There are a lot of different ways this year could end up; so come on out and play and have a front row seat for it all.
Steve Copp

Ft. Sam Houston
November 02, 2019
Okay Fellas here are the results from our Tournament at Ft. Sam – Salado Course last Saturday.
Congratulation to John Pittman on his first time in the winner’s circle this year. John was the only player to shoot under par for the round with a very consistent 43/43, 86, net 69 score. Rounding out the top three spots were Steve Copp shooting 46/41, 87, net 72 for second place and a tie for third place with net 73 scores by Ramiro Longoria, and Mike Von, with 44/44, 88 and 44/49, 96 scores respectively.
Ram Longoria remains in the lead and appears to be pulling away from the pack for the year, with a total of $2,565,000. Corky Diaz DeLeon and Joe Loya flopped positions from last week and are in second and third place. Mario “The Commish” Perez and Carlos Cantu are still mathematically alive in the fourth and fifth spots but need to step it up; if they want to be pulling the Travelers Cup out of the bear hug that “Vic Dawg” has currently placed on it. The dude is freakishly strong!! We miss you out there man!! - Steve Copp

Tapatio Springs
October 05, 2019
Here is how we finished at Tapatio Springs.
Congratulations to Mario “The Commish” Perez on taking the win with a net 69 score. (44 out and 47 in for a gross score of 91) The Commish played very consistent all day. Mike Rittimann made his first appearance this year and came in second place with a 44 out and 45 in 89, net 70 score. Steve Copp took third place and had the low gross score of the day with a 44 out and 43 in 87, net 71 score. Nicely done Fellas!!
Joe Loya is our new money leader with a $2,370,000 total for the year. Corky Diaz DeLeon and Ramiro Longoria are only $5,000 and $15,000 off the lead respectively. Carlos Cantu and the Commish are finishing the year strong and are definitely within striking distance. With only 4 tournament remaining we need to hold on to your hat Fellas; it’s going to be a very close race as we finish up the year.

The Bandit
September 21, 2019
Congratulations to Carlos Cantu for capturing the win at the Bandit last weekend. Carlos was the only player to shoot under par with a (40/46) 86 score that netted to a 69. Nicely done Carlos!! The “Commish” Mario Perez came in second with a net 72 score and Joe Loya ended up in third with a net 76 score.
Each of these players made up significant ground on our current tournament leader Corky Diaz DeLeon. Joe Loya is now in second place only $30,000 back. Ram Longoria is in third with Carlos and the Commish right behind them in fourth and fifth place respectively .

Onion Creek
September 07, 2019
Mike Von and John Pittman tied for first place with net 70 scores. We had to go the score cards to determine our champion. Congratulation to Mike Von on his first win this season!!
Check out our updated standings for the year. We still have several player close enough to our current tour leader (Corky Diaz DeLeon) where anything can happen the next few months.
I believe that we had a schedule change to the Bandit for our next tournament on 09/21/19. Hope to see you there. - Steve Copp

Mission de Lago - 5th Major
August 24, 2019
Congratulations to Mario Perez “The Commish” on putting two consistent days of golf together to take the win!!! The Commish shot net scores of 72 and 73 for a total of 145 to win by two strokes ahead of Joe Loya (69/78 Total 147) and John Tirey (76/71 Total 147). The rest of the field was 9 strokes back of this group. Nicely done Fellas!!!
Corky Diaz DeLeon is still in the lead for the year with $2,235,000. Ramiro Longoria has been playing well with 2nd, 1st, and 8th place finishes for the last three tournaments and currently in second place for the year with $2,125,000. What is really interesting to see is how Joe Loya and Mario “The Commish” have been playing. Both of them have finished 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, in each the last three tournaments. It’s like two heavyweights standing in the ring just trading blows back and forth. Okay, maybe Middleweights or Welterweights, but you get the point. Great job guys!!
Steve Copp

Pine Forest
August 10, 2019
We had a tie for first place again between Mario “The Commish” Perez and Ram Longoria with net 77 scores. So we had to go to a hole by hole playoff to determine the Campion.
Hole#1 at Pine Forest is a dogleg left Par 5 that bends around some small trees about 150 yards from the tee box that demands a draw. There is OB on both sides of the fairway with a bunker in the front left and another one back right of the green.
Ram was up first to play and nailed a drive with a draw down the fairway about 210 yards out. This tee shot must have been quite intimidating for Mario’s power fad shot that he likes to play. He lines it up and hits his drive in the fairway, but did not get all of it. The Commish hits his second shot to about 120 out. Next, Ram hits his second shot to a lay-up distance of about 60 yards. Mario played his third shot just off the green to about 60 yards out. Ram plays his third shot to about 15 ft. for his birdie attempt. The Commish was next to play and rolled his 60ft. birdie putt just inches past the hole to about 1 ft. out. Mario walks up to his ball to tap in the for the par, but misses the putt. He is in for a bogey 6. Ram now has to only two putt to win. He lines his 15 ft. birdie putt up and gives it a roll, but leaves it about 5 ft. short. Ram has a testy little 5 ft. putt for the win. He nailed it and was declared the Champion. Congratulation Ram!!
Here is how everyone else finished. Joe Loya can in third place with a net 78 score. If it wasn’t for a couple miscues his score could have easily been a net 75 or better. Our current points leader Corky Diaz DeLeon came in fourth place with a net 82 score. We have several good players still in striking distance of our leader with a lot of golf to be played this year.
Want to give a shout-out to our current 2018 Tour Champ Victor “Vic Dawg” Darnold. I wish you a speedy recovery my friend!!
Steve Copp
Hyatt Hill Country Resort
July 27, 2019
Congratulations to Joe Loya on capturing his second win this year at the Hyatt Hill Country Resort Course last weekend!!! Joe shot a net 75 score to take the win. Ramiro Longoria shot a net 78 to take second place and we had a tie for third with net 80 scores between Mario Perez and Scott Bowling. The course was playing a little more difficult than what we have been accustomed to . As you can see below our collective scores reflected that.
Corky Diaz DeLeon still has the lead for the year at $2,025,000, with Ram Longoria in second place at $1,715,000 and Carlos Cantu right behind them at $1,645,000.
Brackenridge - 4th Major
July 13, 2019
Congratulation to Corky Diaz DeLeon for putting two solid rounds together of 78 and 77, (net 65 and 64 scores) to take our 4th Major of the year at Brackenridge Park!! His two day net total was 129 that was 2 strokes better than Gabe “The Babe” Martinez who shot net scores of 62 and 69 for total of 131. Kevin Starry made a guest appearance and played well shooting a net score of 138 to take third place. Nice shooting guys!!
Corky has taken a commanding overall lead for the year with his win here at Brackenridge. He is $420,000 in front of the next closest competitor. He is playing great and is going to be tough to catch if we don’t step up our games. There are several previous Travelers Cup Tour Champions (Carlos Cantu - 2015, Victor “Dawg” Darnold - 2018, and Bernie Averett - 2016) who are close enough to take a shot at Corky (our 2010 Tour Champion). Several other players (Ramiro Longoria, Gabe Martinez, Joe Loya, and John Tirey) also have a legitimate shot at taking the title.

Rebecca Creek
June 29, 2019
Congratulations to Bernie Averett on the win!! Bernie shot a real consistent 40 on the front and a 39 on the back for a total score of 79 and a net score of 67 to take the win by one stroke over Joe Loya (38/44, total 82, net 68) and Scott Bowling (41/41 total 82, net 68). Great shooting guys!!!
We have four players pulling away from the back in our overall standing for the year. There is $10,000 or less in the difference between them for their total accumulated dollars. Corky Diaz DeLeon and Ramiro Longoria are now tied for the lead with $1,385.000 with Victor Darnold at $1,376,000 sitting in third place and Carlos Cantu with $1,375,000 taking the fourth spot.
Riverside - 3rd Major
June 15, 2019
Congratulations to Carlos Cantu for shooting net scores of 69 and 60 for a two day total of 129 to take our 3rd Major of the year at Riverside. Carlos finished strong on Sunday shooting an even 36 on the back nine. Great job Carlos!! A win that is well deserved!!
Coming in second place was Ramiro Longoria with a two day total of 134 (Net 61 and 73 scores). Ram started the tournament on Saturday on fire, shooting 38/38 for a 76, with a net score of 61. Sunday was a little more changeling for Mr. Longoria. We had a five way tie for third place with a net two day total of 140, between Raul Medelin, John Pittman, Victor “Vic Dawg” Darnold, Mario “The Commish” Perez, and David Morin. Nicely done Fellas!!
We now have 6 players over the $1,000,000.00 mark for the year. Carlos Cantu with his win placed himself at the top of the leaderboard. Vic Dawg is only $9,000.00 off the lead with two others (Corky Diaz DeLeon, and Ram Longoria) less than $100,000 back. Still a very tight race and very competitive this year.

The Resort Course-La Cantera Golf Course
June 01, 2019
Congratulations to Joe Loya for capturing his first win of the season at La Cantera. Joe has been playing well these last couple of tournaments, finishing 5th at Max Starcke, 3rd in the major at Willow Springs, and now taking 1st place at La Cantera. Nicely done Mr. Loya!! Mr. Ram Longoria finished in 2nd place, and Mr. Rodrigo Ortiz finished in 3rd place.
We have played 8 tournament now this year with 6 different champions. Our current reining Travelers Cup Tour Champion Vic "Dawg" Darnold and newcomer Errol Chance are the only repeat winners so far this year. All of our top ten leaders are only one major tournament win off the lead. It looks to be a very competitive year unfolding.
Next up is our 3rd Major of the year at Riverside the weekend of 06/15/19. If you have not RSVP'd by now you should do so soon. (
Here is how everyone finished and our updated standings. - Steve Copp
Willow Springs - 2nd Major
May 19, 2019
Congratulations to Gabe Martinez for capturing the win at our second major of the year at Willow Springs. He shot a net 65 on day one and a net 68 on day two for a total net score of 133 to take the win by two strokes over Carlos Cantu (66/69 total net score of 135) and by four strokes over Joe Loya (68/69 total net score of 137). Very consistent scores guys. Nicely done!!
We now have three players that have broken the 1 million mark for the year. Corky Diaz DeLeon has taken the lead with Victor Darnold just $15,000 back and Babe Martinez only $65,000 off the lead as well. There is still a lot of golf to be played.
Here is how everyone finished and our updated standings. La Cantera Resort Course is up next in two week on June 1st. Visit our website to RSVP if you haven’t done so already.

Starcke Park Golf Course
May 04, 2019
Here are our final numbers for Starcke Park on Saturday. Congratulation to Errol Chance for winning his second tournament of the year. Errol was the only player to shoot a net score under par for the round. He shot 44/41, 85 for a net 68 score. Our 2018 Traveler’s Tour Champion Victor Darnold came in second place with a 45/48, 93 net 72 score, and Gabe Martinez took 3rd place with a 55/42, net 97 score. Great job guys.
With this second place win Vic Dawg reclaimed the current standings lead by breaking the 1 Million dollar mark with $1,025,000 for the year. We have two players that are less than $100,000 back. Corky Diaz DeLeon and John Tirey with $980,000 and $945,000 respectively for the year. Still a lot of golf to be played. Up next is our second major of the year at Willow Springs. I am looking forward to seeing a great turnout for this one.
Here is how everyone finished and our updated standings for the year.

Sonterra CC, North Course
April 20, 2019
Okay, here are the results of Saturday’s tournament at Sonterra.
Congratulation to Victor (Vic Dawg) Darnold for capturing his second win of the year. Victor shot a net 78 score to capture the win. Ram Longoria came in second with a net 80 score and Bernie Averett came in third with a net 84 score.
John Tirey is still in first place for the year with Corky Diaz DeLeon and Victor Darnold right behind him.
There is how everyone finished on Saturday.

Cedar Creek - 1st Major
April 06, 2019
We finally chased off the rain on Sunday and was able to finish our first major tournament of the year. Congratulation to John Tirey for playing very consistent by shooting an 89 each day for a net total score of 144 to take the win. Mr. Tirey has brought his A game to start off the year by placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, in each of the three tournaments that he has played in this year. Nicely done. Corkey Diaz De Leon placed second with a net 145 total, and Steve Copp and Raul Medellin tied for third place with net 150 totals for both days.
John Tirey has catapulted to the lead with his steady play this year with $925,000 accumulated dollars. Corkey is only $120,000 and Raul Medellin is only $330,000 off the lead. We are going to have to start playing a lot more constant to keep up with these guys.
ere are the totals for the tournament and our updated standings.

Alstasian Golf Club
March 23, 2019
Hello everyone,
Shari and I just got back from our 11 day Caribbean Cruise yesterday and it was great!!! We had a good time and made some new friends. If you get a chance I definitely would recommend it.
Alright, here is how the guys finished last weekend at Alsation in Castroville. Congratulations to Corky Diaz DeLeon for shooting an excellent round of 78 for a net score of 62 and was claimed the champion. Raul Medellin was only 2 strokes off the lead with an 80 total and a net 64 score. John Tirey rounded out the top three scores with an 81 and for a net score of 66.
The updated 2019 Standings has Victor Darnold still in first place with 4 other players at $100,000 or less right behind him.
Next up is our first Major of the year at Cedar Creek next weekend.
See you guys next weekend.

Canyon Springs Golf Club
March 09, 2019
Here is how everyone finished on Saturday at Canyon Springs. Congratulations to Mr. Errol Chance on his first win this year and his first win on the Travelers Cup Tour. This was Errol’s second round playing on the tour and shot 44/46, 90 score for a net 71 to take the win. Nicely done Errol!!
Bernie Averett had the low round of the day and came in 2nd with a 42/43, 85 for a net 74 score. Gabe Martinez also had a nice showing by coming in 3rd place with a net 76 score. Here is how everyone else finished and our updated totals for the year.
Silverhorn Golf Club
February 23, 2019
Congratulations to Mr. Victor Darnold for starting off 2019 the same way he finished 2018… our Champion!! Vic Dawg won our first tournament of the year with a net score of 73. The next four spots were very close with only one stroke apart from 1st, 2nd, and 4th place finishes. John Tirey and Mike Von tied for 2nd place with net 74 scores and Bernie Averett and Corky Diaz DeLeon tied for 4th place with net scores of 75 each. These guys are off to a great start. Here is how everyone else finished and our current 2019 Standings.